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Shepherd's Pie or Cottage Pie

Drunken Weapon: Red Red Wine :)

Ingredients (Serves 4)

Salt & Pepper


2 Tbsps Garlic mince

1/2 Cup Mushrooms (cooked)

1 Cup Meat stock (use left over water of meat in which it was cooked)

Fresh Rosemary & Thyme

1/2 Kg Semi-Cooked minced mutton

6 Semi-Boiled (cooked) Potatoes - 3 to be thinly sliced and the other 3 to be mashed in a blender with rosemary, thyme, 2 tsps butter, 1/4 cup milk or cream

2 Boiled Carrots (chopped in medium-small cubes)

1 Whole Onion (chopped in small cubes)

1/4 Cup Boiled Peas (optional)

Basil leaves

2 Glass Red Wine

1/2 Cup Cream (any type is fine, the fresher the better)

1/2 Cup Parmesan Cheese

1/2 Cup Mozzarella Cheese (use cheese slice if you have no other option)

Olive Oil or Butter


For Meat Filling

In a large pan skillet, add 2 Tbsps olive oil, add onions and let them brown on low-medium flame. Add half portion of garlic, salt & pepper (pinch), 1 Tsp oregano. Add all the meat, few basil leaves, rosemary and thyme. After 5 minutes, add the red wine (1 glass) and let it brew. Add a few more basil leaves and a tsp of butter to this. Let the whole mixture brew for 15-20 mins.

Check for salt, spice and bitterness. Add salt and pepper accordingly. Pour another glass of red wine and let the meat cook completely. In ten minutes, add some more garlic, the cooked vegetables including mushrooms. Add some stock water if the mixture is thick.

Don't Stir the mix too much, it's better to keep the pan on a low flame at all times, so that this meat and vegetables brew in the jus on it's own.

Now add the mozzarella, some cream, a little more pepper and thyme. Turn the meat off when the mixture is thick and creamy. Not runny.

For Baking Dish (Use any flat 9' X 10' dish flat and broad with a height of 3-4 inches)

Oil the dish. Slice 4 Potatoes thin, place as the base on the baking dish. Smear butter on it if need be. Slide in Oven for 16 mins. Remove the baked potatoes, and when cool, smear the meat mix as a 1 inch layer all over the dish. Add another layer of potato slices if there are any left. If not, add another 1 inch of the meat mix. Top this with layer of mashed potatoes and bake for 20 mins. Remove and sprinkle Mozzarella cheese all over the potato, drizzle Parmesan and bake for another 10 mins.

Served best with French Bread, Herb Rice or Regular Bread toast.

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